March and April were a blur for me! So many wonderful and exciting things happened that I couldn’t even keep up with blogging about them all so here are a few highlights that I thought might be fun to share.
While on family vacation in February, I was inspired by a photo I had taken of a gorgeous sunset. Easy inspiration right? I spent early March designing and finishing this small mosaic quilt based on my sunset photo. This was an enjoyable break for me. The design wasn’t as complex as I typically do and was much smaller in size so I finished this quilt rather quickly. As I worked on it, it certainly made me feel those good summer vibes especially since it was still gray and cold when I got back home to New England.

On Sunday, March 17, my video appearance on The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims aired. It had been almost 6 months since the taping on the set in Colorado so you can imagine my excitement as the big day of its release finally came. As a guest quilter, we don't get to see the show until it actually airs but the building anticipation was worth the wait. What a terrific job the TQS team did putting together for viewers a little about me personally, my quilt making journey and my mosaic quilt & digital cutter processes. If you’re new to quilting you might want think about signing up as a member because the breath of talented quilters you’ll get to watch and learn from will amaze you. And if you’re a seasoned quilter but not a member, if you join you’ll get to watch new quilting methods, pick up a few new tips and tricks and see what’s out there for new quilting tools. And of course, you’ll get to see some amazing quilts and learn a little more about the quilters who made them. If you’d like to watch how I create mosaic quilts using a digital cutter, its episode #2406. Here’s the link:

I spent the remainder of March preparing lecture materials for my first time as a faculty member of MQX Quilt Festival in Manchester, NH. The show ran April 9th through the 13th. I will share more details about the show as you read on further.

In early April, I experienced what I will refer to as a “triple play” of exciting announcements! First, I launched my brand NEW online store at Let me tell you first hand that setting up a new online store takes an immense amount of time, dedication and consideration not only in making the online shop look good but ultimately to give visitors plenty of written and visual information for an easy shopping experience.

Second, I announced the launch of my very own product “Heidi Proffetty’s Precision Tweezers”. This was exciting for sure! Over the past few years, I have experimented and worked with many different types of tweezers from several different industries: cosmetic, medical, electronic and crafting. Even though I had been using tweezers from these other manufacturers, I had never really found that one specific pair that would be the perfect tool for use with my digital cutter applications and mosaic quilt process. But after a little help from a friend in the quilting industry, I immediately pursued looking into designing my own pair. It takes an army when you’re brand new to something like this and I couldn’t have done it without the support of some experienced colleagues along with the help of a fabulous manufacturer. Within just a few short months, my ideas for the designing a perfect pair of tweezers became a reality. If you quilt, sew, or craft using a digital cutter you are going to love working with these tweezers. They feature ultra-fine tips, have a comfortable 4.5” straight handle and are specially colored for easy visibility. My favorite explanation for these tweezers is easy lifting and perfect placement. Perfect for maneuvering small fabric pieces, grabbing thread tails and removing loose thread bits. For more information visit my online shop .

The third exciting announcement came only almost immediately after the launch of my new online shop and new tweezers. Janome released the news that I had officially joined their team as a Janome Maker. My immediate reaction to this initial invitation was how awesome is this going to be! Let me just say that for anyone who follows the Janome Artisans and Makers they’re an incredible group of talented creators. This is how my contribution to Maker program works. Throughout the year, I will be creating projects with my Janome Artistic Edge Digital Cutter and Janome 9450 sewing machine then both Janome and I are going to share instructions for these projects for anyone who reads our blogs to follow and make. I already have several projects drafted and this truly is going to fun for me because it shares another side of my abilities, my clever creative side. I have been working with the Artistic Edge and Janome sewing machines for years and when I talk to other quilters about the Artistic Edge and Janome sewing machines I often make reference to their quality. At one of my recent lectures, I shared that I have literally cut thousands of tiny, intricate fabric pieces with my Artistic Edge perhaps more than I think even the average quilter would cut with theirs. The cutter is still going strong and results always thrill me, precise and perfect cuts. And as for Janome sewing machines, just ask anyone of their happy owners. Including me, Janome sewing machines represent quality, reliability and beautiful stitches, it’s that simple! Look for my first Janome Maker project, featuring the Artistic Edge later this month, on Janome’s blog.

While all these exciting new opportunities have been swirling around in my head, I was off to experience yet another new adventure, this time at the MQX Quilt Show in Manchester, NH. I had the privilege of being a part of their faculty this year and having never taught an MQX show I have to say that it was a terrific few days! Janet-Lee Santeusanio and Mary Schike are the founders of MQX Quilt Festivals and they have been hosting this quilt show since 2000 and boy these two and their staff know how to run a well-organized show and they have a blast doing it! During the show, I held 2 lectures, one on quilting with a digital cutter and the other an overview on how I create a mosaic art quilts. I also attended MQX’s Ice Cream social event which is a generous promoting opportunity for teachers. Before and after the event we are given the chance to sell our products to quilters who participate. During the event we are given the opportunity to take the podium and talk about who we are, what we do and to showcase our products. The atmosphere was upbeat and a lot fun as I talked with quilters, met other teachers in the industry and got to witness the silliness of Janet-Lee, Mary and staff as they sang their MQX quilter’s tribute song and launched MQX t-shirts into the crowd. Plus the MQX team topped the night off with ice cream and all the fixings! Both of my lectures were well attended and those who spent time with me were gracious, asked a lot of good questions and really seemed to enjoy learning about quilting with a digital cutter and about mosaic quilts. I have to extend a big thank you to my lecture attendees and to a few members of the MQX staff because many of them offered to either help me set up or pack up my materials and quilts and some even went beyond in kindness offering me seat to relax for a few minutes as I waited to go on as the next lecturer. My friend, Jenny K Lyons always mentions in her social media posts and when we've talked in person how much she truly enjoys teaching her students and after my first faculty experience at MQX, I understand exactly what she means!

March and April were memorable months for me, teaching, sharing and making new quilting friends as I become even more entrenched in the quilting industry. In my next blog, I'll share my first experience as an AQS Quilt Paducah Show attendee and quilt contestant winner! I have a lot to share about this experience so it rightfully deserves its own blog.
You’re welcome! Loved your quilt.
Thank you Heidi! I just now saw this. Hugs.